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Study Opportunities

Study Opportunities

Taking care of someone who has dementia can become increasingly difficult. The well-being of the caregiver is important for both themselves and the person they care for. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a coaching program on caregivers’ well-being. This evidence-based, individualized program focuses on goals that are important to you to manage stress, including social barriers often encountered while caring for a loved one with dementia. The coaching program involves up to nine 30-minute virtual sessions (via Zoom or phone) conducted over 8-10 weeks, with flexible scheduling. Sessions are one-on-one, private meetings with a trained coach, and focused on your unique situation. Participation also involves 2 in-person study visits, one before and one after completing the coaching program. Visits are flexibly scheduled and parking is free. Study visits involve answering questions about yourself, including your mood and feelings of stress, and what caregiving has been like for you. We will also gather information about your physical and brain health.

For more information please contact:

Email: Phone: (585)276-6204

BREATHEs objective is to determine whether a daily relaxation training accompanied by computer-based brain training program can help protect memory and cognition in those 60-89. The study involves up to 14-months of participation, which includes up to 4 MRIs, cognitive assessments and blood draws alongside 12 total weeks of guided intervention with 8 in-lab sessions. All in-lab sessions are done at the University of Rochester and a majority of the intervention is done at home. Eligibility is determined with a 15-minute phone call and a 90-minute in lab meeting.

For more information please contact:

Email: Phone: (585)276-6204

We are seeking individuals aged 60 to 80 years old with memory complaints or problems OR healthy individuals aged 30 to 80 years old to participate in a research study on cognitive control. The study involves a phone screening and, if qualified, two 90-minute MRI sessions on separate visits at the University’s Center for Advanced Brain Imaging and Neurophysiology. Participants will perform computer-based cognitive tasks while inside the MRI machine. Compensation is up to $160.

For more information please contact:

Email: Phone:(315) 326-1061

Help us Advance COVID Related Research.

You may qualify for this research study if you are between the ages of 60 and 80 and had COVID at least six months ago OR, you are between the ages of 60 and 80 and never had COVID.

Study Requirements:

  • Up to 3 clinic visits over a 2-year period Up to 2 of the following: MRI of the brain

  • Up to 3 of the following: physical exam, blood draw, cognitive testing

  • Up to 2 phone calls in between clinic visits.

You will receive up to a total of $390 for your participation.

For more information, please contact:

Melody (585) 603-8152 or Debbie (585) 276-6598

Study Basics: Are you 50 years of age or older? Do you experience stress related to caring for a family member with dementia? Do you also sometimes feel isolated or left out or that you lack companionship? If so, you may be able to participate in a research study to help researchers learn how social relationships impact feelings of stress in both positive and negative ways for those caring for somebody with dementia. Participation could last up to 6 months. Compensation provided.

Study Purpose: Our study is trying to discover how social relationships impact feelings of stress in both positive and negative ways for those caring for somebody with dementia. We hope this information will lead to better programs for caregivers.

For more information please contact:

Email: or Phone: (585) 273-1811

The Social Connection Coaching Project is a clinical trial funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. The purpose of this study is to test whether an individual coaching program helps adults age 60 and older who live in senior living communities feel more connected to other people in ways that matter to them.

Procedures include participating in a coaching program, research assessments with surveys, and assessments completed on a cell phone. The coaching involves individual sessions with a trained Engage Coach (up to 10 sessions) that are designed to help participants improve social relationships and well-being.

All subjects will receive the scheduled baseline and follow-up interviews by the research team. These interviews will be conducted at study start, mid-way through the program at 8 weeks and after completing the program at 16 weeks. Interviews will be via Zoom/phone as well as surveys done online. We are asking participants to complete daily assessments via Jitterbug Smartphones to tell us about their activities, mood, and feelings of social connection. We will examine whether daily experiences change as a result of the coaching.

For more information please contact:

Email: or Phone: (585) 273-1811

Your information will be kept secure and confidential.
It will be accessible only to relevant study personnel for this research and will not be shared with other parties.